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Top ten ways Robert Shearer should have spent the money he (allegedly) stole from SF State

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the big scandal that allegedly happened throughout the seven-year span Robert “Bud” Shearer held the position of director of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety at SF State. He allegedly received bribes from Stephen Cheung, vice president of Chemical HazMat Technologies, in exchange for overpriced waste removal contracts. Pretty much, […]

Crime Blotter: Chubby, maybe-Asian man snatches iPad

The suspect, who stands at a towering 5′ 3″, snatched the iPad right out of the hands of a unsuspecting woman in the HSS building this morning. She was sitting adjacent to the bathrooms on the first floor watching a movie when the suspect forcefully grabbed the not-quite-a-laptop, no-longer-an-iphone device and took off running (obv not very […]

Crime Blotter: Crazy Taxi

San Francisco police are still searching for the man who stole a taxi and lead police on a high-speed chase before crashing at SF State and escaping on foot early Friday morning, according to ABC 7. Police say video obtained from the dashboard camera will help them to identify the thief, but what they don’t […]

Crime Blotter: Dorm Room Drug Bust

There were reports of people doing cocaine at the Towers at Centennial Square on Feb. 13. When officers responded and made contact with the tenants — who probably had to pause “Scarface” to respond to the knocks on the door — the tenants complied with officers to search their room. The Swamp wasn’t there in […]